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Электронные книги Springer
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Автор 1


Баянова   А. Т.

Калмыцкий институт гуманитарных исследований Рoccийской академии наук


Bayanova   A.

Kalmyk Institute for Humanities of the Russian Academy of Sciences





The Hand-Written Book in the Culture of Mongol Peoples: the Evolution of the Form and Material



В данной статье рассматривается эволюция книжной культуры монголов и ойратов (калмыков). В сложном процессе становления и развития культуры монголоязычных народов рукописная книга сыграла большую роль в распространении знаний, была проводником буддизма. Основное внимание уделено процессу создания книги, так как уникальность и эстетическое своеобразие ойратской книги в значительной степени определялось материалами (бумага, краска, инструменты для письма) и формой. Автором статьи выявлены особенности формы книги и материалов, из которых она изготовлялась.


Purpose: At all times, the intellectual capacity and cultural level of any nation has been determined by existence of scripts and books. More than 7 centuries ago, the Oirats started using Mongol writing system, and later developed their own written language called ‘clear script’. Booklore had a decisive impact on the genesis of the Mongol peoples, the development of education, science and culture. Methods: The author examines the evolution of the Oirat books commencing with stone sutras and metal boards which were the first examples of fixing a written word, moving further to transition to a qualitatively new stage in book culture development - the emergence of a real handwritten books. The stone sutras as well as the first handwritten books are a significant part of the Oirat’s (Kalmyk’s) cultural heritage and the evidence of the historical development of their writing system. Results: The author of the article reveals some specific features of book design. The main attention is given to the process of book creation as the originality of the Oirat book and its aesthetic uniqueness were largely determined by the materials (paper, paint, writing tools) it was made of. The researcher provides a detailed description of the book forms which were absolutely different from European ones. Equally important were the conditions in which the books were stored as well as the attitude to them as to sacred objects. This article discusses some aspects of the book culture оf the Mongols and Oirats (Kalmyks). The handwritten book played an important role in disseminating knowledge and religion in the complex process of Molgolian ethnic groups formation and their culture development. Discussion The handwritten book is an integral part of the Kalmyk people’s cultural heritage, their spiritual history and material culture. It is a unique phenomenon which incorporated many fields of life such as the art and skills of craftsmen and calligraphers as well as those of paper, ink and paint manufacturers.

Ключевые слова

книга  ◆  рукопись  ◆  форма  ◆  материал  ◆  «бодхи»  ◆  «гармоника»  ◆  «тетрадь»  ◆  бумага  ◆  чернила  ◆  book  ◆  handwritten book  ◆  form  ◆  material  ◆  “bodhi”  ◆  “harmonic”  ◆  “copy-book” paper  ◆  ink