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Автор 1


Буратаев   Е. Г.

Калмыцкий институт гуманитарных исследований РАН


Burataev   E.

Kalmyk Institute for Humanities of the Russian Academy of Sciences





On History of Research of the Settlement Dzhangar



Статья посвящена истории изучения единственного на территории Республики Калмыкия раскопанного широкими площадями поселения эпохи неолита Джангар. Автором статьи проведена работа по составлению топографического плана памятника, дается оценка археологических находок и научного значения памятника.


In recent years, the archaeological methods and technologies enable to compile more accurate and detailed modern maps and topographical plans. Combining satellite images and maps, scientists have the opportunity to evaluate conditions and geographical characteristics of archeological sites. Having used the methods of geoinformation systems and electronic technology, a GIS (geographic information system) of the Neolithic epoch settlement Dzhangar, which was first excavated and studied by Prof. Koltsov P. in 1979-1980s, was developed. This article deals with the preliminary results of the work on the territory of Oktyabrskii region of the Republic of Kalmykia. In the survey the data from the electronic map enabled the researchers to locate such burials as Kermen Tolga, Duker and Dzhangar settlements. Each enlisted monument has the description of its present condition and geographical characteristics as well as of the accurate location in the global positioning system. Moreover, on the site of Dzhanghar settlement the topographical filming location was carried out with the electronic tachometric device. As a result, it became possible to position the plan of the settlement Dzhangar with its geographical longitude and latitude, i.e. to define the position of the site on the world map. Thus, the performed work has shown that for a full-fledged study of the archaeological research history it is necessary to conduct fi eld studies, i.e to travel to the location of specific archaeological sites with the purpose of their preservation and further study using modern achievements of the scientific and technical progress.

Ключевые слова

поселения  ◆  топографический план  ◆  кремневые орудия труда  ◆  керамика  ◆  неолит  ◆  Северо-Западный Прикаспий  ◆  settlements  ◆  Stone Age  ◆  North-Western Caspian Area  ◆  topographic plan  ◆  silicious tools  ◆  ceramics  ◆  Neolithic epoch