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Автор 1


Эльдышев   Э. А.

Калмыцкий институт гуманитарных исследований РАН


Eldyshev   E.

Kalmyk Institute for Humanities of the RAS





To the Issue of Publishing „The writers of Kalmykia. 1920-2010“ Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary



В статье рассматриваются вопросы создания биобиблиографического словаря «Писатели Калмыкии. 1920-2010» в свете современной историко-литературной науки и новых биографических материалов, определяется структура словарной статьи и словаря в целом.


The article deals with issues concerning building of a new bio-bibliographical dictionary under the title “The writers of Kalmykia. 1920-2010” and the criteria for writer selection, and gives a short overview on the history of the subject and the principles of its implementation. The dictionary is projected to contain the names of the Kalmyk writers, starting from the founders of the Kalmyk literature, i.e. A.M. Amur-Sanan, B.B. Basangov, N.M. Mandzhiev, Kh.B. Kanukov, S.K. Kalyaev, and A.I. Suseev, to the contemporary living writers of both older and younger generations. A special section is dedicated to the Hero of Social Labor, laureate of the USSR and RSFSR State Prizes, and the national poet of Kalmykia D.N. Kugultinov. The article covers the historiography of the subject and proves the timeliness of publishing a dictionary of this kind. It should be mentioned that the article holds the criteria for the completeness of the publication in progress; the extensive writer reference material has been enriched with new facts and names that have previously been left beyond the scope of scientific research. The dictionary’s author has included the names of Lidzhi Karvin, Adolf Badmaev, and Nikolay Normaev, whose artistic works have been excluded from national literary studies. The “Writers of Kalmyk émigré community” section of the dictionary is the first to include the names of Sanzhi Balykov, Gari Mushaev, and Erenzhen Khara-Davan, whose life and works enjoyed little coverage before. This block of émigré literature will undoubtedly add to the completeness and urgency of the question of the Kalmyk literature national identity. Thus, the article concludes that the dictionary has been structured in accordance with the current scientific and methodological requirements. It is aimed at literary scholars, literary critics, teachers of literature, bibliographers, librarians and everyone who is interested in the fiction literature of the native land.

Ключевые слова

биобиблиографический словарь  ◆  писатели  ◆  литература  ◆  справочник  ◆  статья  ◆  биография  ◆  Союз писателей  ◆  bio-bibliographical dictionary  ◆  writers  ◆  literature  ◆  reference book  ◆  article  ◆  biography  ◆  the Writers’ Union