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Автор 1


Кичикова   Б. А.

Калмыцкий институт гуманитарных исследований РАН


Kichikova   B.

Kalmyk Institute for Humanities of the RAS





“Wish me Health, Kalmyk!” (The Issues of the Textual Aspect, the Materials to the Comments: Part II)



В статье рассматриваются определенные текстологические аспекты трех осуществленных реконст­рукций ранней (черновой) редакции послания А. С. Пушкина литературно-театральному обществу «Зеленая лампа» (начало 1821 - весна 1822 гг.). Пристальный сравнительный анализ реконструкций С. М. Бонди (107 строк), Б. В. Томашевского (103 строки) и С. А. Фомичева (89 строк) позволяет определить состав и особенности их композиционных структур, уяснить особенности прочтений и разночтений, локализацию сквозной объединяющей формулы «Желай мне здравия, Калмык!». Выводы текстологичес­кого характера могут найти применение в эдиционной практике. Сопутствующие анализу комментарии содержат наблюдения над работой текстолога по созданию реконструкции. Историко-литературный комментарий предоставляет материал для изучения творческих взаимосвязей А. С. Пушкина и П. А. Вяземского.


The article discusses some textual aspects of the known by now reconstructions of the early (draft) edition of A.S. Pushkin's address to the Literature and Theatre Society “Green Lamp” (texts dated back to the beginning of 1821 and no later than spring 1822). They have been subsequently undertaken by three Pushkin scholars - textual critics of different generations: two reconstructions - by the editors of the Big and Small academic editions of the poet's heritage - S.M. Bondi (1931, 1935 - published in 1949) and B.V. Tomashevsky (1949 - publication in 4 editions till the end of 1970s) - and S.А. Fomichev (2003). The segmentation and subsequent relative comparison of three reconstructed texts allow us to reveal certain peculiarities in their compositional structures. The aim of the article is to identify in those structures the position of the formula “Wish me health, Kalmyk!”, which is common and prevailing not only for the under consideration draft versions and the reconstruction of their basic texts, but also for the whole complex of A.S. Pushkin’s texts, dating back to the beginning of 1820s. The analysis permits the understanding of the composition and nature of interpretations and peculiarities of readings and concludes that the given poetic formula is not one verse, but double verses with the address “Pour me the wine of comet” (the author of the article supports B.V. Tomashevsky’s and S.A. Fomichev's interpretation of this line) and the famous facetious imperative “Wish me health, Kalmyk” (written with the capital letter as stated by S.M. Bondi, it is found twice in early edition). The textual character conclusions may be implemented in editing practice. The given paper presents some poetic, historical and literary commentaries, including the issue about the possible relationship of one of the abstracts of the Pushkin’s address with the beginning of the “Drinking songs” by P.А. Vyazemskiy (“Merry noise, singing and funs” - 1816?). The article presents the preliminary consideration of the set of issues regarding Pushkin’s textual aspects and provides the material for commentaries to the reconstructed Pushkin's texts of the early edition of the address to “Green Lamp”

Ключевые слова

Пушкин  ◆  литературно-театральное общество  ◆  послание  ◆  реконструкция  ◆  сводка вариантов  ◆  мужская и женская рифмы  ◆  творческие взаимосвязи  ◆  «Зеленая лампа»  ◆  Калмык  ◆  Pushkin  ◆  Literature and Theater Society  ◆  address  ◆  reconstruction  ◆  compilation of variants  ◆  male and female rhymes  ◆  creative relationships  ◆  “Green Lamp”  ◆  Kalmyk