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Кузьмин   С. Л.

Институт востоковедения РАН


Kuzmin   S.

Institute of Oriental Studies





The Reports on the Mongols of Xinjiang in the 1920s



В статье приводятся сведения об общественной, религиозной и политической жизни монголов Синьцзяна из сводок разведки, находящихся в трех российских архивах. Главной целью монголов Синьцзяна в этот период было достижение максимальной самостоятельности, вплоть до независимости от Китая, но при сохранении старой системы управления. Не исключались альянсы с другими монголами. Авторитет духовенства в решении не только религиозных, но и мирских дел был выше, чем таковой светских лиц. Буддийское духовенство в Синьцзяне было неформальной теократической структурой с харизматическим типом легитимности власти.


The article considers the information on the social, religious and political life of the Mongols in Xinjiang presented in the intelligence service reports stored in three Russian archives. According to the reports, in the 1920s the Mongols of Xinjiang composed three groups: Mongols from the Ili Valley and Tarbagatai Mountains; nomads of Kabuk-Saur Ridge in the Altai Region and a part of the Tarbagatai nomads; Torguts and Khoshuts of the Karashar Region - the most numerous of all the groups. The statistical data in the reports included the groups which had in their ethno-genesis Tibetan and Turkic origin as well. Most of the Xinjiang Mongols are Buddhists, and almost in each family there was one member as a monk. Higher lamas were usually equitable and fair, so they were very influential. Two reincarnate lamas used to live there. The land of the Torguts was estimated as a self-dependent state having had its own ruler named Tsavandorj with the title Khan-Wang. As a young boy Tsavandorj had a regent who tried to improve economy, obtain weapons and provide military training for the Torguts. Some of the Russian White Guards, who had retreated to Xinjiang during the Russian Civil War, assisted the regent. The Chinese authorities of Xinjiang forced Tsavandorj to renounce his power, captured him and started to educate him in Chinese manner. The reports provide some details of this history as well as information on the religion and statistics of the Torguts. According to the reports, the Chinese authorities made many efforts to split Mongols. They practiced political spying and snitching as well as contributed to discords between Mongolian principalities and to assassination of Mongolian princes. The Xinjiang Mongols did not present a significant military power at that time, but the idea of national independence thrived among them. At that period, they sought maximum self-dependence or independence from China along with conservation of their old social and ruling system. The Buddhist theocracy in Xinjiang was an informal theocratic structure.

Ключевые слова

монголы  ◆  ойраты  ◆  торгуты  ◆  буддизм  ◆  Синьцзян  ◆  Китай  ◆  Mongols  ◆  Oirats  ◆  Torguts  ◆  Buddhism  ◆  Xinjiang  ◆  China