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Автор 1


Ламожапова   И. А.

Забайкальский государственный университет


Lamozhapova   I.

Transbaikalian State University





Extralinguistic Factors of the Anthroponymic Systems Formation of the Mongolian Peoples



В статье предпринято комплексное исследование основных экстралингвистических условий, источников становления систем личных имен у бурят, монголов, калмыков. Приводятся сведения из истории контактов монгольских народов с другими этносами, особенности основного компонента культуры - религии, которая в средневековье характеризовалась своеобразным эклектизмом, рассмотрено состояние именника.


A proper noun, particularly a personal name, is a part of an individualizing function, and generates such features as “distinctness and concreteness” in speech because it indicates a certain denotation that is closely related to the onym. It means that the extra linguistic factors play an important role in the formation of the proper nouns. These factors are of historical and cultural events, and they highlight components in society’s vital activities that are indicative of any fundamental aspects of either a social or cultural appurtenance. Complex researches of a language, in particular, researches of proper nouns’ system, are reasonable. This necessity probably gave birth to the direction some have taken in the fields of cognitive linguistics. The main components that help form the extralinguistic conditions, the essential sources of formation that are used to create personal name systems like Buryats, Kalmyks, derived from a Mongol cultural aspect are examined in the article. The information is analyzed from the history of Mongolian clans’ contacts with other ethnic groups. Also, some features from the main cultural component extracted from their religious practices were characterized, peculiarly, to reflect the eclecticism during the period of the Middle Ages. Mongols are one of the most ancient people of the world, and their system of thinking can be viewed from their unique history, distinctive culture, peculiar traditions, and customs. Mongols’ military campaigns under the leadership of Chingis-Khan in large areas caused remaining of their proper nouns to stay intact. The proof of it is in such marks as geographical names of Mongolian language origin. In addition, there was foreign vocabulary in Mongolian anthroponymicon. Turkisms and sinologisms became later manchurism attributes. Religious eclecticism: the original religion- Shamanism, Christianity, Islam are reflected on personal names’ system, as well. Later Buddhism’s distribution is also reflected on this system of personal names. So, some original personal names in “The Secret History of the Mongols” have shamanic roots. Scientists have found Christian origin in the name of the fifth son of Jochi-Syban. The main medieval Mongolian tradition of giving names to people still exists in the culture of the modern Mongolian people.

Ключевые слова

экстралингвистический фактор  ◆  Монгольская империя  ◆  средневековье  ◆  религия  ◆  антропонимическая система  ◆  extralinguistic factor  ◆  the Mongol Empire  ◆  Middle Ages  ◆  religion  ◆  anthroponymic system