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Трепавлов   В. В.

Институт российской истории РАН


Trepavlov   V.

Institute of Russian History of the RAS





Russian Allegiance of Kalmyks in Rituals and Symbols (from the History of Ethnic Policy in 17th-19th centuries)



Важной частью этнической политики в России XVII-XIX вв. являлась взаимная репрезентация власти и подданных, которая осуществлялась посредством официальных депутаций к царскому двору, аудиенций и представлений; участия представителей народов в придворных торжествах; различных видов правительственного жалованья; подношений царям; путешествий членов царствующей фамилии по стране и знакомства с жизнью подвластных народов; ритуалов возведения в должность вассальных правителей; взаимоотношений с ними на уровне правительства и провинциальных администраций. Эти сюжеты рассмотрены в статье на примере калмыков и Калмыцкого ханства, которые играли важную роль в военно-политической и культурно-религиозной жизни России того периода.


Legations and deputations of the Kalmyks were present at the court more frequently than representatives of any other ethnicity of Russia throughout the 17th-19th centuries. Starting from the 19th century the Kalmyks were compulsory participants of official solemn ceremonies (emperors’ coronations, important anniversaries celebrations etc.). Tsars and their family members paid numerous visits to the Kalmyk steppe and had an opportunity to learn about household activities, daily routines and culture of their key subjects during tours around the empire. In such a case the Kalmyks seized the occasion to demonstrate their religious identity, their rootedness in Buddhism. They arranged special tours to Khuruls to show religious attributes and rites to the crowned guests. An important component of ethnic policy and its symbolic material presentation was the governmental (tsarist) allowance, which was occasionally paid to the Kalmyk taishas, who patrolled the south borderline. Many documents testifying provision of fabrics, food supplies, arms, ammunition, etc. have been preserved until now. During the Kalmyk Khanate the government kept strict watch over the interrelationship among the top Kalmyk elite and exercised control over succession to the throne. Developing the order of investiture and establishing insignia of Khans’ power was vital in an unspoken competition with the authority of Dalai Lamas who also officially sanctioned accession of Kalmyk khans to the throne. Review of relations between the Kalmyks and Russian authorities in 17th-19th centuries shows that interethnic relations were absolutely dominated by vertical ties - from bottom to top, from the periphery to the Centre. This was a consistent pattern of Russian internal policy. It was necessary to retain the reputation of the monarch as an arbiter, patron, guard of privileges, and punisher of those who depart from prescribed social conventions. Horizontal inter-elite ties were much weaker due to their little usefulness under autocratic rule and unlimited power of bureaucracy. In this context tolerance to the institute of traditional political culture was positively perceived among non-Slavic population, and reconciled it to administrative innovations of Russian authorities.

Ключевые слова

репрезентация  ◆  этническая политика  ◆  власть  ◆  ритуалы  ◆  калмыки  ◆  ханство  ◆  representation  ◆  ethnic policy  ◆  power  ◆  rituals  ◆  Kalmyks  ◆  khanate